
i just finished reading have a little faith, by mitch albom. i would highly recommend it. i’m considering converting to judaism as i fell completely in love with the rabbi. course, i should mention that i recently considered becoming a buddhist after reading a few of His Holiness the Dalia Lama’s writings. apparently i’m easily swayed.

anyway, my point–easy to see the overthinking tie-in, right?–maybe i should have called this blog adventures in adult adhd, or adventures of a scatterbrain. oh, yes, my point. i got so angry after reading this book that i wanted to personally confront every excessively wealthy person in this country and ask why they weren’t doing more to help the underprivileged. why was a reformed addict/drug dealer, turned preacher/saint helping the masses in a church with a whole in the roof when oprah’s out spending $3000 on a set of false eyelashes. i know, i know that oprah does lots of good work. i know the jolie-pitts do lots of wonderful things. guess what? they still have multiple multi-million dollar homes. they still spend millions on their clothes and shoes and make-up and so forth. they could still help more people than they do.

i understand that oprah worked hard to get where she is. i don’t begrudge her her wealth. i’m just saying that these filthy rich celebrities don’t understand what just a little bit of that would do for a family in need. i was so angry about this that i considered writing letters. to whom? i don’t know. i decided to write here about it instead. and i decided that i can’t change them. all i can do is do my best to “be the change i want to see in the world,” thank you, mr. gandhi. so, i’m going to donate some old clothes and shoes to the homeless mission. i donated some toys. it’s not much. but it’s made me feel that today i’ve done something. it’s made my mind stop spinning for a little while in delusions of winning the megamillions and single handedly housing all the homeless in my community. start small. but start.